Titus - Age 6 1/2

Titus was already a seasoned hunting guide dog and stud when we purchased him at age 6 1/2.

Titus - Age 7

Titus - Age 7
Always a happy dog

Titus - Age 8
(with daughter Ellie)

Titus - Age 8

Titus - Age 9

Titus - Age 9

Titus - Age 10

Titus in the field before an injury ended his hunting career at age 11

Titus - Age 11

Titus - Age 12

Titus - Age 12 1/2
Still such a sweet boy

Titus - Age 13

Titus - age 13 1/2
Proudly pointing a bird on his last day in the training field

Titus des Plaines Dauxeenes
Sept. 19, 2002 - May 25, 2016
Dearly missed!