National Club Epagneul Breton Field Trials and Show April 17 - 21, 2013
National Club Epagneul Breton Field Trials and Show April 17 - 21, 2013
Day 1: Rosie ran in the wild bird open class, but no dogs could find wild birds.
Day 2: Rosie, Cory and Gypsy all performed well in the field trials despite deteriorating weather conditions.
Day 3: Trials were cancelled due to deep snow, but an informative seminar was presented by the judge from the Netherlands on how trials are run in Europe.
Day 4: Show and Awards banquet. Rosie received the 1st Reserve award for Open Solo and Pass with Honor for Open Braces. Cory and Gypsy each received a Pass for Open Solo and each placed 4th in their classes in the show. Gypsy also passed the TAN (test of natural ability).
We anticipated cold weather for a Minnesota event, but didn’t expect so much snow!
Don and Rosie after her Open Braces run where dogs are judged on pointing, retrieving and “honoring” another dog’s point.