Proud owners of Epagneul Bretons –– Quality bird dogs in the field and loving companions in the home.
Don and Linda Rice
Bird dogs and hunting have always been a part of our lives. Growing up in western Kansas in the ‘60s during the boom of the pheasant and quail population, Don developed an unquenchable thirst for upland bird hunting. With career moves came hunting grouse and woodcock in Minnesota and desert quail in Arizona, in addition to annual pheasant hunting trips to Kansas. Over the last four decades, we have owned and hunted with Labs, American Brittanys, English Setters and finally, Epagneul Bretons (French Brittanys).
In 1995, after researching several gun dog breeds, we purchased Sandi for our son’s first hunting dog and our family’s first Epagneul Breton. We were hooked! Sandi was a tremendous pheasant dog ... a tenacious bird finder, a solid natural retriever and a lovable addition to the family.
Our dogs spend more time in training and in the field than in the house, but when evening comes, they cuddle with us on the couch and dream about tomorrow’s hunt.
Members of:
Club de l’ Epagneul Breton of the United States, Inc.
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA)
Arizona Pointing Dog Club
Grand Canyon Brittany Club