Sun Country Bretons News 2019 - 2021
New Arrivals!
(September 14, 2019) - After a restless night and morning, Josie delivered six puppies on Saturday. Sadly, one male puppy was stillborn. The five healthy puppies are two orange and white pups, a male and a female; two black and white, also a male and a female, and one tricolor male. Josie is a great mom and her five puppies are adorable, active and vocal!

Paris joins Sun Country Bretons
(August 31, 2019) - When we planned a visit to see family in Colorado for the Labor Day weekend, we also arranged to have our newest family member flown to Denver from Charlotte, North Carolina, since it was too hot to fly her to Phoenix. "Paris" is from Lost Highway Kennels and comes from two awesome parents, Topperlyn Karma "Ella" and Marty de Broughton. Paris is a speedy little fireball who loves everyone she meets ... and she is a sweet little cuddle bunny ‑ when she's tired!
Penny stays with Sun Country Bretons
(November 2019) - When we bred Josie with Titus, we hoped to get a little girl that would resemble Titus and carry on his legacy. Time will tell, but Penelope de Pays du Soleil appears to fit the bill as a lovely combination of her parents. She is a bundle of love and we are happy to add her to our pack.

(April 2, 2020) - Josie delivered seven beautiful healthy puppies late Thursday night. She has four males, two orange and white and two black and white; and three females, two orange and white and one black and white. Mom and puppies are all doing well!

Four new puppies!
(September 27, 2020) - We were thrilled when Nellie delivered four beautiful puppies on Sunday afternoon, two males and two females. One male is orange and white and the other three are tricolor. They each weighed close to 13 ounces and all are doing well.

Teddy earns three passes toward Master Hunter title
(November 15, 2020) Teddy earned three passes toward the AKC Master Hunter title in a weekend! On his first run, he failed to back and hold steady to shot, but settled down and passed his second run with high scores. The next day, he again earned high scores in two more runs.

Ruby de Pays du Soleil
(November 2020) We waited for over two years for a female puppy from Nellie to continue our original Rosie/Titus line and we finally were blessed with two females in Nellie's September 27th litter. We decided to keep the puppy that we called "Roxie," but have since renamed her "Ruby." With a strong line of champions and excellent hunters in her linage, we expect a bright future for her. She has already won a place in our pack and in our hearts!

New Arrivals!
(February 21, 2021) Josie and Teddy's new puppies arrived on Sunday, February 21st!
This is Teddy's first production and we are looking forward to watching them grow. They have five males, two liver tricolor pups and three orange and white; and, three females, two black and white tricolors and one orange and white. All arrived safe and sound within five hours. As always, Josie did a fantastic job!

TAN Vetessa de la Savane Rouge Ondulante MH
June 22, 2004 - April 6, 2021
After almost seventeen years, we said good-by to our beloved Tess. She was the dog that inspired us to become involved in field trials, competition and eventually breeding. She was a fantastic hunter and an accomplished Master Hunter whose passion for finding birds was apparent every time she went in the field. More importantly, she was a loyal and loving companion whose absence is felt in the corner of our living room where she napped in her later years. Her lovely face on the home page of our web site has represented Sun Country Bretons since we began and will continue to do so. We are thankful for the years of joy she gave us. Run like the wind Sweet Tessie! See memorial...

TAN Ellie de Pays du Soleil MH
April 10, 2009 - July 21, 2021
We made the heart-breaking decision to let Ellie go in July when a tumor had progressed, causing her to suffer. Ellie was our pick from our first litter with Rosie and Titus over 12 years ago. She was an excellent hunter and earned her AKC Master Hunter title at two years old. She was a nurturing mother to 27 puppies over the years and even nursed Nellie's puppies along with hers when they had litters close together. Unfortunately, Ellie's last year was difficult after she lost her sight from retinal detachment just after her 11th birthday. She adjusted well to her new reality though and remained a sweet tempered, loving companion. Ellie is dearly missed! See memorial...

New Arrival!
(September 11, 2021) On Saturday, we welcomed Nellie and Teddy's new puppy "Solo."
We had learned from x-rays a week before that Nellie was carrying a singleton, and we opted for a c-section delivery when it appeared that the birth would be difficult. We're thrilled that all went well and both mom and baby are doing well. "Solo" is a tricolor male who weighed in at just over 11 ounces and looks like his mama.
DNA tests results show healthy dogs!
We recently received results from testing our three younger dogs for genetic traits and diseases that occur in the canine population. We're happy to report that Teddy, Penny and Ruby do not appear to be genetically predisposed to the 200+ health conditions tested. These tests also identify many physical traits that add useful information for us for future breeding. Click on the Embark image to read more about the DNA program and research.

Penny's first litter arrives!
(November 28, 2021) Penny did a great job delivering her first litter, sired by Teddy. Five beautiful, healthy puppies arrived safe and sound within three hours, once they got started! She has one male and four females and all are doing great!
Teddy earns 4th pass toward AKC Master Hunter Title
(November 20, 2021) Teddy recently passed another Master Hunter test, scoring all "8s" out of 10 points in six categories: Hunting, Bird finding, Pointing, Trainability, Retrieving, and Honoring.

Teddy joins our family
(March 2019) - Our newest family member Ourson de la Ferme Brune "Teddy" joined us last summer and has earned a page of his own on our web site. He is smart as a whip and quickly progressed through obedience training. He's already steady to wing, shot and fall in the field but retrieving will take a bit more work. We're sure he's up to the task!

Josie and Teddy earn placements at 2019 field trials
(April - June 2019) - Josie, Nellie and Teddy participated in the Arizona Pointing Dog Club summer field trials this year. Nellie hunted hard and performed well, but did not place. In April, Josie placed 3rd in the GUN class. Teddy placed 4th on one day and 3rd on the next in the Hunter class. Josie scored 1st place in June in her class and Teddy got 4th in his. Nellie and Teddy also ran in the August trial but didn't place.

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