Club de l'Epagneul Breton National Event — 2013
Field Trials and Show ‑ April 17 - 21, 2013
Day 1: Rosie ran in the wild bird Open Class, but no dogs could find wild birds.
Day 2: Rosie, Cory and Gypsy all performed well in the field trials despite deteriorating weather conditions.
Day 3: Trials were cancelled due to deep snow, but an informative seminar was presented by the judge from the Netherlands on how trials are run in Europe.
Day 4: Show and Awards banquet — Rosie received the 1st Reserve award for Open Solo and a Pass with Honor for Open Braces. Cory and Gypsy each received a Pass for Open Solo and each placed 4th in their classes in the show. Gypsy also passed the TAN (test of natural ability).
Click any photo to start slideshow.
We anticipated cold weather for a Minnesota event, but didn't expect quite so much snow!